Get unified metadata

Structured and normalized data
Open Graph, Microdata, RDFa, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD, HTML, and more.

  • author
  • audio
  • date
  • description
  • iframe
  • image
  "title": "Wormholes Explained – Breaking Spacetime",
  "description": "To support Kurzgesagt and learn more about Brilliant, go to and sign up for free. The first 688 people that go to that lin...",
  "lang": "en",
  "author": "Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell",
  "publisher": "YouTube",
  "image": {
    "url": "!watch!v=9P6rdqiybaw/!vi!9P6rdqiybaw!maxresdefault.jpg.jpg",
    "type": "jpg",
    "size": 120116,
    "height": 720,
    "width": 1280,
    "size_pretty": "120 kB",
    "palette": [
    "background_color": "#EEEEA7",
    "color": "#AC04DF",
    "alternative_color": "#2C0494"
  "audio": {
    "url": "!watch!v=9P6rdqiybaw/!videoplayback!c=WEB&clen=8935291&dur=552.054&ei=6gpAXv-3POHM8gTqtrm",
    "type": "mp4",
    "duration": 552.054422,
    "size": 8935291,
    "duration_pretty": "9m",
    "size_pretty": "8.94 MB"
  "url": "",
  "iframe": {
    "html": "<iframe width=\"480\" height=\"270\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
    "scripts": []
  "date": "2020-02-09T13:36:39.000Z",
  "logo": {
    "url": "!watch!v=9P6rdqiybaw/!",
    "type": "png",
    "size": 2421,
    "height": 128,
    "width": 128,
    "size_pretty": "2.42 kB",
    "palette": [
    "background_color": "#FC0404",
    "color": "#320000",
    "alternative_color": "#320101"
  "video": {
    "url": "!watch!v=9P6rdqiybaw/!videoplayback!c=WEB&dur=552.054&ei=6gpAXv-3POHM8gTqtrmwBA&expire=15",
    "type": "mp4",
    "duration": 552.007943,
    "size": 54633895,
    "height": 720,
    "width": 1280,
    "duration_pretty": "9m",
    "size_pretty": "54.6 MB"
  • lang
  • logo
  • publisher
  • title
  • url
  • video
  • author
  • audio
  • date
  • description
  • iframe
  • image
  • lang
  • logo
  • publisher
  • title
  • url
  • video

On a built-in reliable,

High performance API.

response time


response time

Great power,

less responsibility.

No more configuring auto-scaling, load balancers, or paying for capacity you don’t use — Microlink is the fastest, cost effective solution for data extraction at any scale, fully customizable via API.

  • Unified Metadata

    Metadata normalized from Open Graph, JSON+LD and HTML markup.
  • Color Detection

    Get predominant and complementary colors per every image detected.
  • Always fresh

    Stale revalidation, with built-in cache keeping things up to date.
  • Contextual Info

    Get more from any data, expanding it to get extra useful information.
  • Native Iframe

    Using oEmbed to get the embedded representation of any third party URL.
  • Media Support

    Detecting the original streaming source for any video or audio.
  • Costless Solution

    Starts free. No upfront costs, scalable pricing as you go, growing with your business.
  • Built-in cache

    Always fresh based on response payload with stale revalidation support.
  • Global CDN

    Edge storage distributed over +240 nodes backed by CloudFlare Network.
  • Unified Metadata

    Metadata normalized from Open Graph, JSON+LD and HTML markup.
  • Color Detection

    Get predominant and complementary colors per every image detected.
  • Always fresh

    Stale revalidation, with built-in cache keeping things up to date.
  • Contextual Info

    Get more from any data, expanding it to get extra useful information.
  • Native Iframe

    Using oEmbed to get the embedded representation of any third party URL.
  • Media Support

    Detecting the original streaming source for any video or audio.
  • Costless Solution

    Starts free. No upfront costs, scalable pricing as you go, growing with your business.
  • Built-in cache

    Always fresh based on response payload with stale revalidation support.
  • Global CDN

    Edge storage distributed over +240 nodes backed by CloudFlare Network.

Turns websites into data

Microlink meta extracts structured data from any website. Enter a URL, receive information. Get relevant information from any link & easily create beautiful previews.

Unified metadata

Get normalized data from multiple sources using Open Graph, Microdata, RDFa, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD, HTML, and more.

Contextual information

Whenever is possible data is expanded to bring you more, like file extension, dimensions, size, duration, etc.

Easily consumable

Turn any link into a rich media and easily add it to your UI using Microlink SDK, with +250 verified providers supported.

Product Information

All the details you need to know about the product.

What is it?

Microlink meta is a data extraction service that take a URL as input, giving you structured data as output.
The data detected is unified and normalized from different data source providers present on the semantic markup of the target URL, such as Open Graph, JSON+LD, oEmbed, microformats or regular HTML.

How does it work?

It’s a called , where the desired value (e.g., the title) will be searched over the content according to a series of rules.
Also, this process ensures the value extracted follows a specific data shape. So, not only the value should be present, it needs to satisfy a specific data shape as well.
In this way, if the service detects the value, you can be sure that is what it claims to be.

Why not run my own solution?

You can always run your own solution; Most of our software is Open Source, so you can take them and hosted from scratch.
What we offer as part of our value proposition is a production ready solution without the headaches of running your own infrastructure.
No code to maintain, no servers to scale up, no dependencies to upgrade. Just an always ready API ready to use.

Other questions?

We’re always available at .